Saturday, April 21, 2007

Renee's Field Report from Olsson's Bookstore in Washington DC

BPR welcomes our newest field reporter, Renee, who sends us this FABULOUS report and promises to send photos soon. Thanks Renee.

Tim Gunn, along with co-author Kate Maloney came to D.C. on a beautiful, warm, sunny Friday afternoon for their first book signing for “A Guide to Quality, Taste & Style” at Olsson’s Bookstore. I arrived after 2 p.m. and introduced myself to Robert Starner at Olsson’s as a new BPR contributor.

After purchasing my copy of the book and receiving my number “13” for signing, I spoke to some of the people who had arrived before me and to some who arrived shortly thereafter, I wanted to find out exactly what it was that brought them to Olssons to meet Tim.

Click here to continue.

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