Wednesday, October 25, 2006

From the Mailbox

If you're in Los Angeles and you're a Jeffrey fan, visit The Mountain Bar this Friday to see him as a guest DJ! Click here for the flyer.

Speaking of Jeffrey, here is a new interview with him in The Village Voice and a reminder that he is scheduled to appear today on the Ellen Degeneres show.

Look for PR Season 3 Fan Favorite, Michael Knight on BET's 'The Black Carpet' at 7:30 Eastern this Thursday. Thanks, Pam.

And what about Michael and Brandy? Click here to read an interview in which he addresses that popular question and tells us about just being himself. Thanks, Sophie.

Bradley Baumkirchner tells us that he will be on NPR later this week to talk about Halloween costumes. Details will follow. Hey, I wonder if he knows about our contest?

Finally, Heidi and Seal are, in the spirit of Halloween, 'The Crush of the Week.' Thanks, T&L!

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