Thursday, August 17, 2006

Early Recaps

The Manolo wants to have lunch with Ms. Garcia...

Even Mark Harris thinks the producers are meddling...

The Project Rungay boys always keep it fun...

Tiffany loves Michael. BPR loves Tiffany!

Shawn - the fastest recapper there is. Period.

Mags: The Great Travesty #2....

Amber has us LOL'n with her take on the "zaftig" Alexandra...

Moi is blogging from the beach this week...

Jeffrey's creeping up the scoreboard at The Lipstick Mystic...

Tammy keeps it positive, we like that....

Jesse defends Jersey...

And here's more: Toyouke and Miz Shoes and Jen's Snarkfest and Jayne minus Jeff. See you Saturday for the 'palooza!

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