Thursday, July 20, 2006

Early Recaps

How fabulous is this? Season 2 contestant Nick Verreos is now recapping for! Don't miss Uncle Nick's dish...

The Manolo, he loves the shoes!

Shawn at Getting To Maybe tried her hand at live-blogging this week...

BPR regular Moi; has entered the fray!

Is that a box of Ring Dings I see over at The Lipstick Mystic?

Amber is proving herself as a lickety-split recapper...

Tammy loves the jewelry...

You Forgot Poland! Why yes, I did. And Mags is not happy....

Here's Miz Shoes... and Sabrina at Ann at Capitol Hill Barbie.... and Between The Seams...

Have a recap you would like to share? E-mail the link to Team BPR!

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